Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! Today, I am going to discuss the designs of our titles for our final task. For the film , all the tiles are going to come onto the screen the same way. We are going to have them slowly appear on the screen and all of them will be in the middle. The titles will appear on the screen in a windshield wiper type effect. You will see part of the title fade onto the screen from one side until it's the full title showing. This helps creates the effect we want it to have on our audience. It helps creates that effect we ant because the fade onto the screen slowly will give the audience that anticipation that we want. We will put it all to the middle of the screen and we want it to be very minimalistic because we want the audience to have a focus on the opening sequence while the font of the titles adds to our genre while not overpowering. Next , let's talk about how long each title will be on screen. We want to have each title on the screen ...