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Script Blog

Hey guys welcome back to my blog! We finished our script for the movie , check it out below


The scene starts with establishing shots. As establishing shots are happening, SARAH'S FRIEND is talking. The establishing shots will lead to a wide shot of both actors and will lead to a close up on SARAH where she clearly seems on edge. SARAH'S FRIEND will then tap her sounding very concerned saying, "Sarah is everything okay?" and SARAH will respond very frantically, " yea I'm okay, lets just go inside the store" 


Once inside the store a wide shot will show SARAH'S FRIEND looking in the mirror trying on clothes and say, "Sarah what do you think?". SARAH, who looks very shook still will open her mouth to talk but then there's a sound "*alarm sound ringing*". SARAH and SARAH'S FRIEND will join together where an over the shoulder shot will show a notification on both their phones saying "AMBER ALERT: KIDNAPPER ON THE LOOSE, IF POSSIBLE STAY INDOORS AND LOCK THEM". A close up shot will now show SARAH AND SARAH'S FRIEND with a terrified look on their face. 


A tracking shot will then follow SARAH AND SARAH'S FRIEND outside the store as they are both freaking out. They both find a bench. As they sit a shot from behind the bench will show a man in a black jacket behind a pole with a mask on. 

SARAH'S FRIEND SAYS, "Calm down. It's going to be okay.". SARAH will then respond saying "I knew something.. that something wasn't right. I gotta go calm myself down"

A wide shot will then show SARAH running away from the bench as SARAH'S Friend will say, "SARAH WAIT! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?"


The scene will then cut to SARAH running to a bathroom. 

A low angle will show SARAH running in the bathroom to the sink. SARAH will get to the sink and a close up shot will show SARAH splashing water on her face. After Sarah splashes water she will talk to herself with her heart beating fast and head down, " got this", "you're strong", "an...and you can't be afraid" 

With an aerial view shot as Sarah looks up it will quickly cut to a shot facing the mirror and see the man in the black jacket with a mask in a mirror. It will transition to a POV shot and Sarah will turn her head but no one is there.

A tracking shot shows SARAH running out the bathroom 


The scene will cut to outside and continue as a TRACKING SHOT.

Sarah will speed past her friend as they say with much concern, "SARAH WAIT!", "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" ,"WHAT HAPPENED?

Sarah will then run to her friend panicking saying "I SAW HIM" "th...the kidnapper , I SAW HIM" 

Sarah will then run away and run to her car


A wide show will show SARAH jump in car. You will hear the door slam, and the car doors lock

Sarah will speedily put on her seatbelt and crank the car saying "OMG OMG",  "I AM FREAKING OUT" WHAT IS GOING ON"

A notification sound will then be made with a ALARM going off with the notification saying "If you are receiving this alert, the kidnapper has been spotted near your area"

It will then transition to a close up as Sarah will look up and the guy with the black jacket and mask will jump from the backseat putting his hand over her mouth

------------------------------THE END----------------------------


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