Hey guys and welcome back to my blog. This is my last genre i will be researching and the lucky genre is : Drama!!! Drama is a very used type of genre across the film world. In Drama, common camera angles you see are establishing Shot, long Shot, wide Shot, aerial Shot, high/low Angles, tracking Shot. In drama some type of Common Mis-En-Scene Outside environment, High Key Lighting, Props, Costumes. Lighting plays a big part in this as the lighting has to match the feel for the movie and in drama since it gives off the suspenseful feel , this is a huge part. The Common Editing includes Cutting, Eyeliner, Match, Action Match, Crosscutting, Slow Motion. Some type of Common sound Diegetic, Non-diegetic, Dialogue, Sound mix, and Ambient Sound. Example films within the drama genre includes five feet apart, After, and the sun is also a star. Within the drama genre there are some things I like. But, while there are some things I like there are some things I don't like. For example, I like the dramatic emphasis in drama films. These dramatic emphasis happens in a fight, or car chase scenes. Especially the angles- shows everything. What I mean by this is in drama films they use those common angles to get across more of their message. I also love the excitement and thrills of dramas. The excitement always keep me on my toes and keep me engaged. It gives me a "what's going to happened next?" type feel. I also like how drama is such a broad genre , it has many different options. Something I don't like about drama is I feel while it is a broad genre, it requires very meticulous choices because it can give off the wrong emotion that is not intended by the director and the lack of meticulous input tends to be a problem. Well thank you for reading my blog on the illustrious genre that is drama if you come back and you will get to see what my final decision is on what type of genre I will use for my final task!!
Hello everyone, it’s Marvin and I know it’s been a while but WELCOME BACK TO MY BLOG! Last time you saw me I was a newbie to the media world but so much has changed. Now I’m in A level media and I completed my AICE diploma. But, even though I completed my diploma I still decided to continue taking some AICE classes because I just fell in love with them , for example media. I’m now a junior and next year I’m going to be a senior and I have to start applying for college. It’s pretty scare how fast life is moving because when people told me high school went fast, I didn’t believe it. It felt like I was just a freshman yesterday sitting in AICE General Paper and marine science and global perspectives. Now , I’m in two a level courses and taking AP classes on top of that. But since I’ve finished AICE, I would say my hardest class I took would be AICE European History. I really thought I wouldn’t pass the exam but when I got my score back I almost burst into tears because that was the last r...
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