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Genre Decision Blog

 Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog, today I wanted to share with you my group's decision on what genre our final task will be. 

The first genre we considered was a comedic genre and this was a genre we spent a lot of time looking at. When looking at it, we liked how comedy and comedic decision is spread throughout the entire media,  for example, you have the comedic and goofy movements with the camera shaking and going upside down. As we reviewed it more, our thoughts changed about the props and we originally didn't like the use of props but as we reviewed we began to see the comedic purposes that props play and that purpose,  it can be the actor using it to do something silly or really anything, and we also liked how we would use diegetic sound like laughing to get the genre across even more. But, there was a really big dealbreaker when it came to part of this genre and that was the dialogue aspect. The reason this was a dealbreaker is because we thought it would be so hard to find an actor to have actually funny dialogue and make goofy jokes and movements, if we were going to do this we would want this to come off actually funny and less cheesy and finding an actor to do this would be difficult. Also, only doing the opening of a film would give us less range to really dive into the comedic genre so ultimately comedy was not the route we decided to take.

The next genre we considered was a drama genre which we also spent a lot of time reviewing. The drama genre is a very interesting and meticulous one. One of the things we really liked about this genre was the whole purpose of it keeping the audience on their toes. We also really liked the use of the lighting and how it tends to be used in the drama genre. The lighting plays such a big role in this genre because the lighting matches the tone , we have already established that they keep everyone on their toes so the lighting must match that mood and we also really liked the many use of angles and types of shots in this , these shots also play the factor into what this genre is known for and giving everyone that "What's going to happen next?" aspect. But, the main reason why we are deciding not to go with this genre is because it is so meticulous, this genre requires such meticulous decisions that we felt it is risky for us to do this genre because of how broad it is. 

Finally, the third genre we reviewed was the Horror genre. What we liked about the horror genre was how conventional this genre is. For example, the lighting and in this genre this plays such a big role tending to always be very dark. Another reason we liked it is because of the props. We liked the props because they tend to be things typical and you don't have to think hard about how to implement them. For example, things like a knife , a bat, and other stuff are easy to find and won't be hard to put in our final task and we also really liked the shots used because they all tend to be up close and personal shots to get all the horror and hone in the suspense. But we didn't like the heavily effects used. 

After reviewing and researching all genres we decided to go and create an opening scene for our final task with the focused genre being the horror genre. Unlike all the other genres, horror has such conventional mis-en-scene, shots, and props that it would be easy and allow for a really great opening. Also, we felt that it would be easiest to film this because of the conventional dark lighting. Also, in horror films facial expressions are the stars and it wouldn't require amazing acting. Thank you for reading my genre decision and I cant wait for you to see the rest of this journey!


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