Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog! We’ve done it. We’ve planned, we filmed , and now we have edited. Now our plan was to distribute the movie to critics first before we actually submit the movie. But, before we do that I suggested a group meet up for fine tuning and final approval of our movie between the four of us. So, instead of meeting after school we decided to meet during our study halls this time. We thought this would be much more easier for the review process. So, our group met and we each came with our tasks to present to the group in its final product. There were a lot of reasons why I wanted to do this final group meet up. First , this was because we didn’t want our critics to focus on things that we could easily fix and see ourselves. Secondly, were we doing this for a class so we were going to get a grade which we wanted to make sure we had the best chance to maximize our score. Thirdly, it allowed us to make any final changes to sound/effects, the small things. ...