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Storyboard Blog

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog. Today I will tell you about my storyboard for my final task!

Quick Summary:A female and her friend walk but she looks distracted and on edge scared. A phone with a notification saying the kidnapper is on the loose is similar to an amber alert. The female and her friend sitting on the bench are afraid and a person in a black jacket and mask is behind them but they don’t see it. The girl heads into the bathroom alone without friends still scared and then she looks in the mirror and the black jacket and mask guy is in the mirror. She goes running away from another friend to her car terrified. She is now in the car, and a guy with a black jacket and mask covers the girls mouth.

 #1. Two Friends are seen taking a walk, and the female seems to look a little uneasy. Regardless of the women's fears, the duo continues to walk.
 #2. The walk comes to a halt with an alarming sound blaring from their cellphones. They look around as the sound blares from every direction.
#3. The screen shows the girl's phone which has an emergency alert that reads "Emergency Alert: Kidnapper on the loose. Stay indoors and watch your surroundings."

#4. Startled and feeling uneasy the two continue their walk. A suspicious stranger follows close behind.
#5. Feeling the presence of someone following them the girl turns around, but no one is there but a man who seems to be leaning casually on the wall.
#6. The two friends find a bench and decide to take a seat and relax. The two friends don't know it but the suspicious stranger is watching them from behind.

#7. The two decide they are feeling a bit hungry so decide to walk and find a place to eat. 
#8. While walking the friends see a restaurant, they are super hungry so they decide to go with the first one they see it's a Burger spot. They walk in.
#9. Once inside the establishment, they are greeted by the hostess of the restaurant.

#10. They are seated at a table in the middle of the restaurant the hostess sits them down and asks if they would like anything to drink.
#11. The waiter takes their drink orders and the duo also goes ahead and orders their food.
#12. The two continue to converse, but the girl still has a bad feeling, their food arrives shortly.

#13. The girl tells her friend she's going to head to the restroom. So she gets up and starts walking over.
#14. The girl enters the restroom and handles her business. 
#15. This scene jumps to the woman washing her hands, when she looks up into the mirror she is shocked to see the stranger standing right behind her.
#16. At this point she doesn't know what's happening and is freaked out, she runs out of the bathroom screaming.
#17. She is so scared she runs right past her friend with no explanation of what happened, he is very confused and doesn't know what happened in the restroom.
#18. She runs out of the restaurant trying to make it to her car and get out of it as soon as possible.

#20. She runs into the parking lot and sees her car she tussles to find her keys rapidly. Her friend is still trying to find out what's happening.
#21. In her car, her friend tries to ask what happening but she says "She just needs to go home, she's not feeling well" so he tells her to just text him when she gets home.
#22. She buckles her seat belt and is prepared to go home.

#23. she looks in her rearview mirror to see a freighting surprise. The man from the bathroom is now in her car. At this point, she is helpless her friend had already left she was on her own. 
#24. The man pulls out some duct tape, and the women's stomach sinks.
#25. Realizing she is all alone the woman begins to cry.

#26. To silence her the man duck tapes her mouth and now she is all alone and can't do anything.
#27. The man gets the woman into the back seat and he gets in the driver seat. 
#28. He drives away with the women.
#29. Ambient ending clip 
#30. Credits slide



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