Hey guys and welcome back to my blog. Last time you heard from me there was a bump in the production. The bump we had when in our production phase was that we had to push back filming because of unexpected occurrences. Now, today I want to talk about our journey preparing to film. So, first we thought of what would each person wear. When thinking about what each person would wear, we thought about the villain. We know we wanted the villain or antagonist to wear a black hoodie with the black mask. We wanted the villaIn to wear all black including the long pants and the shirt under the hoodie. We already got the mask which you read about earlier. We picked for the villain to wear all black because we felt it gave off that spooky mysterious vibe we wanted to give off for our audience. Also, we wanted the outfit to correlate with the mask and being that the mask is all black, we thought it was a good idea. Also, in these types of movies black is usually associated with the villain. For our main character, we for sure wanted her to wear a dress. We wanted her to wear a dress because we wanted her to look very innocent. The reasoning we wanted her to look innocent is because we want to show a power struggle. We specifically want to show the power struggle between the power of good vs evil. We felt a dress along with other specific clothing would do this. We also thought a dress made sense because we our film is taking place from a night out. For the friend we thought they could wear just what a reasonable person would on a night out to not put any focus on them. Thank you for reading my blog and be back for more, were getting closer and closer to the finish line!
Hello everyone, it’s Marvin and I know it’s been a while but WELCOME BACK TO MY BLOG! Last time you saw me I was a newbie to the media world but so much has changed. Now I’m in A level media and I completed my AICE diploma. But, even though I completed my diploma I still decided to continue taking some AICE classes because I just fell in love with them , for example media. I’m now a junior and next year I’m going to be a senior and I have to start applying for college. It’s pretty scare how fast life is moving because when people told me high school went fast, I didn’t believe it. It felt like I was just a freshman yesterday sitting in AICE General Paper and marine science and global perspectives. Now , I’m in two a level courses and taking AP classes on top of that. But since I’ve finished AICE, I would say my hardest class I took would be AICE European History. I really thought I wouldn’t pass the exam but when I got my score back I almost burst into tears because that was the last r...
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