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Storyboard Blog

Storyboard Blog

First Scene- 
In the first scene, a couple is madly in love. They have just came off of a date and the girl has a rose in her hand given to her by her significant other. They are walking holding hands down the pathway. 

Second Scene-
In the second scene, the significant other breaks up with the girl. This absolutely crushes her and she becomes very emotional. She becomes this emotional not only because of the breakup but also because of how shocking and off guard it was. 

Third Scene-
In the Third scene , the girl turns to something that she always knows will make her feel better. She puts on her headphones to try to get over the heartbreak that her boyfriend just put her through and she is trying to cope with her feelings.

Fourth Scene-
After the girl puts on her headphones , she goes to her phone and turns on a song. This is the part where the music will come in and begin playing. She will begin playing the song “Save Your Tears” by The Weeknd, one of her favorite songs.

Fifth Scene-
In the Fifth Scene after the song starts playing, the girl will begin to let go. She will begin to let go of the things that remind her of her past relationship that just ended. She will drop the rose that was given to her earlier that day symbolizing she is moving on from her past

Sixth Scene-
This is when everything changes. The girl will meet another person while our trying to move on and listen to music. She will see another person who she finds attractive and be in shock at how fast she is able to move on. 

Seventh Scene – 
This Scene shows the female walking a bit too close to the male and he turns around. From the male's perspective, he feels he is being followed and his facial expression may look confused or uneasy.
Eighth Scene – 
The man will turn around during this scene to realize he is being followed by the women. They both get a bit startled in this scene.
Ninth Scene – 
Once the man turns around the female gets scared and quickly runs in the opposite direction. From the male's point of view, she disappears out of view.
Tenth Scene – 
The women, still startled and out of breath, begin to relax and walk again. She sees a bench and decides to sit for some rest and to digest what just happened. 
Eleventh Scene - 
In this scene, the man actually finds the woman and they lock eyes. They both are at a loss for words and seem to look into each other's eyes.
Twelfth Scene – 
Finally, the Music video will end with the man handing the woman a rose. The scene will then transition into a dark scene, concluding our Music Video.

*Each scene will vary in length, the music will begin at the fourth scene*


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