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Production Blog

 Production Blog

Welcome back to my blog everyone. Now that my group and I finished our filming aspect, there's one more aspect we need to do for our commercial. This aspect is to edit and put final touches. So, we edited this commercial in 1 day. I was not heavily involved in the editing process. My group mate Mya was definitely the main editor of our commercial. She edited the commercial and sent it to us via text message when she was finished. When watching the editing that she did, there were a few problems Kyra and I noticed. We noticed specifically a problem with the transitions. We could see that the transition from scene 4 to 5 cut of the words one of our subject was saying. When the subject was trying to introduce himself and say his name, the transition came in too quick. Kyra and I saw this and we asked Mya to fix it. Another thing I noticed was wrong with the commercial, was the lack of commercial feeling. By the lack of commercial feeling, I was specifically relating to the audio aspect under the dialogue. To fix this, I went on my phone and began looking on Apple Music. When looking on Apple Music, I was looking for typical commercial ad music. I had found multiple sounds that could work but I chose the best one out of all of them. When I saw the best one I sent it to Mya so she can add it in under the dialogue. If we were to do this commercial again, I would take it a step further and do 2 things, 1. I would use even more types of shots and 2. I would add an end tag and show the Mock Trial Team logo. Thanks for going through this journey with me everyone, I hope you enjoyed!


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